
International Fellowship

About International Fellowship Exchange Student Program

International Fellowship, Inc., a non-profit organization, offers exchange student opportunities for secondary school students who wish to experience the adventure of living in a foreign land, learning about its people, traditions, and language.

Since its founding in 1952, International Fellowship has been committed to supporting efforts for the advancement of moral and ethical standards in all aspects of life. International Fellowship has been promoting world peace and understanding through thousands of teen-age ambassadors who, over the years, have represented their countries in foreign lands.

International Fellowship works closely with secondary schools, both here and abroad, that support our philosophy, "Through Knowledge and Friendship Come Understanding and Goodwill."

Exchange students and host families become aware of International Fellowship through supportive local representatives who act as liasons, linking schools, students, host families, and the International Fellowship staff.

Through International Fellowship Exchange Student Placement Services, a student's interests are matched with those of host families expressing a genuine interest in opening their homes and hearts to the student.

Exchange students add an international dimension to host families, schools, and communities. All grow in knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of cultures very different from their own.

a group of young people posing for a picture

These enriching experiences broaden perspectives and open new vistas that can make lasting changes in the way people view themselves and the world. Lifelong international friendships often result from being a part of the exchange student experience.