
International Fellowship

Overview of Responsibilities

Basic Responsibilities of the International Fellowship

  • Student application and screening process.
  • Host family application and screening process.
  • Assistance with visa arrangements for the student.
  • Student placement services with a host family.
  • Domestic and foreign air transportation for the student to and from the host country.
  • Detailed travel itinerary provided to the student, host family, I.F. Local Representative, and school.
  • Official approval of student enrollment in a local high school.
  • Support and guidance of I.F. Local Representative and national office staff.
  • Pre- and Post- arrival student orientations, host family interview and orientation, and pre-departure information.
  • Comprehensive student health and accident insurance, medical treatment release from natural parents.
  • 24 hour emergency assistance by qualified national headquarters staff through a toll free telephone line ( 1-800-647-8839).
a couple of people that are posing for a picture
a young man and a woman posing for a picture

Basic Responsibilities of the Exchange Student/Natural Parents

  • All program fees
  • Passport, travel documents and travel expenses from home to point of departure
  • Personal expenses (clothing, toiletries, school supplies, entertainment, public transportation, souvenirs, long distance calls, etc.)
  • All costs associated with the I.F. Student Tour in the United States. (student participation is optional)
  • Immunizations/Physical examinations.

Basic Responsibilities of the Host Family

  • An orderly home with a private bed (if not a separate bedroom) for the student.
  • Space for the student to write letters, study and store clothing.
  • Laundry facilities.
  • Welcome the student at the airport upon arrival and accompanies the student to the airport for
    departure home. The Local Representative may also greet and bid the student farewell.
  • Three meals daily (bag lunch for school, not cafeteria lunches) for the student.
  • Insures that the student is registered at high school and attends on a daily basis
  • Provides opportunities for the student to attend church of his or her faith, if it is available.
  • Offer the student patience and understanding, with a proper degree of discipline, as would be a regular family member.
  • Acts in a voluntary capacity, with no compensation from any source
a group of people sitting at a table with food