
International Fellowship

Student Travel Rules

  1. Students may accompany their host families on overnight or weekend trips. Please advise the Westfield Office, whether by letter, email, fax or calling the 1-800-647-8839 toll free line, where the student can be reached in case of an emergency.
  2. School sponsored day trips and day trips with the host family may be taken by the student without prior approval from International Fellowship.
  3. Overnight visits with other families in the community are permitted if the host family approves it.
  4. ALL travel involving spending the night away from the host family and community must have International Fellowship approval. A complete itinerary, names and addresses of chaperones and written approval from the Natural Parents, Host Parents and School must be sent to the Westfield Office PRIOR to the trip. Sending in the required documents does NOT constitute an APPROVAL from the Westfield Office. NOTE: School Approval is needed ONLY if the student will miss school during the trip. If Travel Involves Adults other than the Host Family for more than a weekend-overnight, Background Checks Must be Completed for ALL ADULTS who are 18+ Years Old.
  5. The STUDENT MUST TRAVEL in the company of a RESPONSIBLE ADULT at ALL times. International
    Fellowship must approve the responsible adult if it is not one of the host parents. Normally a “responsible adult” is anyone who is at least 21 years of age or older. For Example, the Host Family MAY NOT put the student on a plane, train, bus, etc., to be met at another point by someone else. The “approved” adult MUST actually travel with the student. Host Siblings DO NOT qualify as “Responsible Adults” if they are not at least 21 years of age. The “Responsible Adult” must be fully Vetted by International Fellowship by Completing a Criminal Background Check Form provided by International Fellowship. Our Program does not permit the use of Airline Representatives as Chaperones. Thank you.
  6. RULES #4 and #5 apply to ALL travel with the Natural Parents as well. Travel with the Natural Family is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED until the END of the Student’s Program. We must have at LEAST a TWO WEEK NOTICE on Visits Involving the Natural Parents.
  7. For any prolonged trip, such as a vacation with the Host Family, School or Church trips, etc., written permission from the NATURAL PARENTS should be obtained and sent to the Westfield Office with ALL other necessary information required in Rule #4.
  8. The ONLY exception to these rules is when a student is meeting or returning from the International Fellowship Tour organized by International Fellowship and when the students are traveling according to schedules arranged by International Fellowship when they arrive in the United States and return to their home countries. (PLEASE NOTE RULE #5)



IMPORTANT NOTE: If APPROVAL of the Westfield Office is required for a trip, please notify our office at least two (2) weeks prior to the trip. Allow sufficient time for the required letters, etc. to be received in the Westfield Office. DO NOT assume permission has been granted after mailing the required letters and forms. Please wait for a reply from the Westfield Office as to whether or not permission has been granted for the specific trip. The Westfield Office must APPROVE each “new or different” trip. Failure to comply with any or all of these requirements may result in the student’s removal from the International Fellowship Exchange Student Program. The student and natural family would then forfeit ALL benefits of the Program (Airfare, if Purchased by IF Program, Insurance and the Student’s J-1 Visa Status) in the event the student fails to comply with the Rules & Regulations of International Fellowship, Inc. NOTE: If the Host Family “assists” the exchange student to “bend or break” any of International Fellowship’s Rules & Regulations, the student is still held accountable** for their actions. The student and natural parents are informed of ALL Rules & Regulations during the Pre-Departure Orientation in their Home Country and again once the Student arrives during the Post-Arrival Orientation conducted by an International Fellowship Representative.

**Thank you.

For any questions or concerns, please call International Fellowship at: **

1-800-647-8839 (Toll-Free, 24-hour Phone Line US & Canada) / 716-326-7277 (24 Hour Phone Line Outside US & Canada) Email: infelwes@gmail.com Fax Number: 716-326-7279 Website: www.internationalfellowship.org